Transfer 3 Week 4

Where do I even start? Konnichiwa!
WARNING: This email might not make any sense and will probably be shorter than most of the time, due to the lack of sleep last night that I will further explain later in the following email... 

This week so much happened and so I'll only be able to share a few things, but basically it was awesome and I have learnt SO MUCH!

Last Saturday we had a mission activity at Brighton's Girl Camp, not only was it an extremely awesome and fun day with lots of activities but a very revelatory experience for me and for my investigators. 
We had many fun activites where we got to swing of ropes, have balance, work as a team, be blindfolded and try to find our way, but in the end every one of these activities we related to the gospel and how we need Jesus Christ in our life and how with Him by our side, all things are possible and can be made easier with him. We need to hold to him and let him guide us, let him be the rope we hold to, to guide our path, sometimes (most the time, if not all the time) we walk blind, because we have no idea what the future holds or what we need to do, but as we hold on to him, never letting go, no matter if people try to pull you away, no matter how many trees (trials) we walk into there is always a way around it and to pass through/by it and that is with Him by our side, helping us get back to Heavenly Father and at the end we will hear those beautiful words from a loving Heavenly Father (in this case President Poulsen) saying "Welcome back".
This week we have found some incredible people, which have been so prepared to hear the word of God and to have to gospel of Jesus Christ enter into their heart and change their lives. Over Chat, Phone, Square, it's been awesome. This one guy called in and said he wanted to make an appointment with missionaries, and so we said we could teach him over the phone and offered to call him back the next day and he was so excited for it! Sister Turro was off to the dentist and so I taught by myself as the Sister I was on exchange with had lessons to teach in Spanish. I called and we had an awesome lesson and at the end I invited him that when he comes to know these things are true, would he "follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood power and authority of God" and he said "Yes! absolutely, when I come to know these things are true." The Spirit was so strong and it is at those moments where you know you are fulfilling your purpose as a missionary in inviting others to come unto Christ, I'm so excited to speak with him again and see where it all goes! The Lord is preparing people more than ever to hear His word and accept His gospel and it is so exciting to be a part of that!

"...the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming—" - Alma 16:16
Now... the fun stuff... Sister Turro went to the dentist to get her Wisdom Teeth taken out and so she was gone for a couple of hours and when they get back we meet them back at the appartment, she has this beautiful pink (she HATES pink) bandage on her head, ice packs on her cheeks, she has just been sick and there is blood everywhere, wooh! I had just got back from getting the food needed for her to, so it was perfect timing really. She didn't saying anything funny like those hilarious videos you see of people who are just coming out of the drugs, she just looked so out of it and zombie like. We made her eat something and got her resting, we didn't have any ice but I did have frozen RICE and so we have put some frozen 'R'ice packs on her cheeks to keep the swelling down. Sister Araujo and Pichardo went to get her medicine, there were a few hiccups but we got it in the end, during this time I'm helping her wipe blood away and cleaning her chin from the food (Wendy's shake) she is trying to eat and when they came to drop off the medicine and tell me everything that I needed to do I just about died... haha. I needed to make sure she had medication every 3 hours, so I set the alarms and we woke up and I got out of bed got the medicine, made sure she had it, went back to bed, did the same things 3 hours later...  Yesterday morning we had an incredible Relief Society about how our missions would make us better mothers/nurturers/wives etc... and we talked about the things we learn on a mission that will help us when that time comes to be a mothers/nurturers/wife etc... I was not expecting this...
Yesterday when we talked about our missions preparing us for motherhood, this wasn't quiet what I was expecting. Getting up every 3 hours to give her more medication, making sure she eats and sleeps and rests well, tucking her into bed because she feels weak and dizzy and tired but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have had to be able to serve her, because the more I do, the greater Christlike love I have for her and it really strikes me as something so important, not just to serve your companion, but to serve all those around us so that we can feel a greater Christlike love for them. Jesus Christ performed the most charitable thing in the world, being the Atonement and it's been wonderful to just serve in a way where I know that I can help. And I know she appreciates it, even when she can't talk she find a way to say "thank you" and "I love you" says "give me a hug" when I do something nice for her. It's been an awesome learning experience. 
Sister Poulsen called up this morning to ask how Sister Turro was and after explaining everything that I've done to try and help and what I was about to do and the medication schedule etc, she asked "Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse?" and I said "I want to become a mother, isn't it close enough?" and she laughed and agreed with me.  
My mission is teaching me so much more than I ever thought it would, it has been the most incredible and wonderful experience of my life! There is a quote of the District 2 and it says "if you're worthy to go and you choose not to, you're making the biggest mistake of your life!" and though it's a bold statement, I agree 100% because you learn things on the mission that I don't think I could have learnt anywhere else and I know they will prepare me for the rest of my life. 
As I make the most of each day, each hour, each minute I see the Lords blessings and tender mercies, the pieces start to come together and make sense and I'm so grateful for this incredible opportunity I have to serve the Lord.

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye areonly in the service of your 
God." - Mosiah 2:17
I also got a package from home this week and so we had TimTam slams the other night which was so much fun! 
and I got to open my package today from Elder Wheeler! (HAPPY ONE YEAR TOGETHER!) It was beautiful and perfect, full of wonderful things and a beautiful letter, I feel so blessed to have him in my life. Thank you Jayme, I love you.
I love you all! Thank you for all that you do and say. I appreciate all of your support and love.
Keep smiling, Stay amazing, Love life, Live the gospel, Put your trust in the Lord.

Love, Sister Ryan xx


Sister Magidson and I

Sister Turro and I

Our Group at Brighton's Girl Camp

Sister Turro's Medicine Schedule
after wisdom teeth taken out

Me reading the letter from Jayme

Elder Wheeler's tag!

Japanese Triple Combination
 from Jayme!

Package from Jayme

From Jayme

Silly Selfies!

Silly Selfies!

Danielle came and found
 me at Music and the
 Spoken Word! :D

I loved it and Sister Turro and  I
 had Tim Tam Slams and she loved it!

After Sister Turro had wisdom teeth out

Transfer 3 Week 3

G'day Mate!
Not much happened this week in the way of people and stuff but there was a lot of personal growth and development, lately our teaching pool hasn't been too crash hot, people aren't picking up phones or are out of town, all these types of things, but I know that no effort is wasted and that eventually it will all work out, there is always something to learn from and to gain from each day, no matter if you teach 1 lesson or 100. 
We went to the Bountiful Temple today because the Salt Lake City Temple is closed for maintenance the whole transfer, it is so beautiful! It is at the top of a hill and looking out over everything was so breathe taking!  And it's the Temple they use for God's Plan for His Family! I was so excited when I realized that! So crazy how close all the Temple are here in Utah... You can get to like 3 temples or so in the time it takes you to get to the closest chapel back home.
This week I did see one crazy wonderful miracle with a member. I was on exchanges with Sister Guedea (Texas) and we walked out of the South Visitor Center and we are walking and I see these two girls and don't think anything of it, a few more steps and the spirit was basically pulling me back to go talk to them and so I said "We have to turn around and talk to those 2 girls" and she said "What 2 girls?" I basically just turned around and pulled her around and we walked, it was crazy... We get there and they are sitting on the grass and so we started talking just generally, it was a little awkward and then I say "Do you mind if we pull up a bit of grass?" and they move over and we sit with them. We started talking more and started asking them how prayer and scripture study was going and they said it was good and that she was up to 2 Nephi... I realized they has been crying... I was so confused but in the end just ended up asking them what was going on and one of the girls explained that her ex-boyfriend who she had been trying to get over was deployed in the Army 3 months ago and that she just started to get over him, she hadn't heard from him etc... and then he called and all the emotions came back up and different things. We talked and tried to give comfort but then a scripture which helped me in a time of darkness when I was coming back to church came into my mind. I said "Do you mind if i share a scripture with you?" and she said of course not and then I opened up the Book of Mormon to 2 Nephi 4 and read verses 27-35 with her. She wasn't getting emotional or anything like that but I asked her how that made her feel and if it helped and she said "You wouldn't believe it, but I just finished reading that, and they are the scriptures that have been helping me a lot lately". I was like "what?!" in my head... There was NO WAY POSSIBLE that I could have known that, but Heavenly Father did and The Spirit prompted me to use that scripture for some reason, to help her. It was incredible, it was a testimony builder to all 4 of us that God is aware and that He loves us and that The Spirit knows all things and as we listen to the Spirit and have faith, miracles happen. It was awesome to see her testimony grow in just a short period of time. Her friend then later told us that they were in the bathroom and she had been praying for someone to help them, they sat out on the grass and then the Spirit prompted me to go talk to them, to help them. Heavenly Father answers prayers and He knows what we need at the right place at the right time. And how honored I feel that Heavenly Father trusted ME to answer her prayer... I am just a tool in His hands. He knows much better then I do and I'm so grateful for that. This work is impossible without Him.
Which leads me to my next point about the Atonement in missionary work. This week we watched the incredible talk about missionary work and the atonement (Jeffery R. Holland and Henry B. Eyring) and every time I see it it just opens my eyes and my heart to so many revelations. And I forgot my notebook full of everything that I was going to write but what pressed upon my mind so much was that people will ask "why is missionary work so hard?" but the fact is, that salvation was never cheap, it was never easy and someone better, the greatest person to ever walk the earth, asked the same thing, even Jesus Christ himself asked for the bitter cup to be taken from him as he suffered for the pains and sins of the world. It wasn't easy for Him... why would it be easy for us? I'm not saying that we have to bleed at every pore or to have nails driven through our hands and wrist but to just walk some of the path that he walked carrying His cross, shed one tear that he shed, feel just the tiniest portion of what He felt! And it would make the world of missionary work a whole lot different. This week a truly gained a testimony that we NEED Him by our side and we do, and have every right to stand shoulder to shoulder with him in this work, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the best person this world has and will ever see! This is HIS WORK, not mine. But I am the instrument in His hands, I know that when we feel just a portion of what the savior feels for them, it changes everything! It changes the whole way we talk to them, the way we teach them, the way we keep in contact with them, the concern we have when they don't keep a commitment, everything. Everything changes when you love them and do everything you can to see them the way Jesus Christ does.

There are so many things this week where I witnessed that God is there and that He loves me, everything from the way the light caresses the clouds and are positioned perfectly as the light perfectly touches the Temple. I can't even express how the beauty of Temple Square is evidence alone to me that God is there and that He loves me, that He loves all of His children, no matter where we are from, even the fact that the beautiful perfectly coloured purple roses between the Assembly Hall and Tabernacle are starting to bloom again. It brings my heart so much joy and peace and I just love seeing the beauties and tender mercies we are blessed with in this life. Everything is so beautiful and we have every reason to be happy! People ask me why I'm so happy and bubbly and chirpy and enthusiastic... It's because I have every reason to be, because I am a daughter of God who knows my purpose, who knows that I am loved, who feels beautiful knowing that I have a divine worth and incredible potential when putting my trust and everything I have to the Lord, who has the happiest message in all history to share with the world! How can you not be happy and bubbly and chirpy and enthusiastic etc when you have so many blessing you are being constantly surrounded with?!
Things get tough some times, it's just fact. Some times life gets hard and there are times where you just want to sit in a corner and cry... But the fact is, if you change your mind set, you look for every beautiful thing in this life, find gratitude for the tiniest of things, look for every blessing that the Lord has given you. You will see a smile come to your face and a joy within your heart, knowing the Lord loves you and just wants to help you and bless you in all that you do. All we have to do is turn to Him. Humble your self, be patient through hard times. That is something I have really learnt this week, you have a problem... you probably need to humble yourself... whether it's some one or something, you probably need a little lesson on humility... I know I did this past week and I can promise you it changes everything. When we humble ourselves and submit to the Lords will and look for the things we are meant to learn or gain from an experience or whatever it may be, that's when we see the blessings that have been right in front of your face the whole time!
I know with all that I have that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love me and that they want me to be happy! That they wouldn't give me anything that wasn't for my benefit and learning and that I could over come. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, when I realized what I had been doing with a prideful heart and that I needed to become more humble and patient, when studying these topics I knew the Lord was telling me to repent and I was so excited to repent! Repentance has never been as exciting as it was to me in that moment, I could not wait to get on my knees and put everything on the table, to do all that I could to make things right and partake of the sacrament and have that clean slate again. Make the most of Jesus Christ's Atonement, it has been paid for, we just have to do our part. And when we do it with a willing heart it makes an incredible difference, as I partook of the Sacrament this week I literally felt like I could breathe again, I didn't realize how much my pride was weighing me down until it was lifted off me.
All I can say is that The Church is so True! and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be called to declare God's truth and Hid word to the world as each day passes. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and it truly changes lives. This isn't a hotel for perfect people, this is a hospital for sinners. And we can all become that little better, step by step as we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Don't ever doubt His love for you, don't ever deny yourselves of the blessings He is eagerly awaiting to give you! Embrace Him and His love and you will find the greatest love and peace and happiness you have ever felt!

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27
I love you all! Thank you for all that you do. 
Keep smiling, Stay Amazing, Love Life and Count Your Blessings

Love Always, Sister Ryan xx


 They were yummy.

Hey check out my room. 
Mattress on the floor like the good ol' days!

 I finally have nice photos of
Sister Turro and I!

Sister Turro, Sister Baba and Sister Ryan

Sister Orndal and I (My English Beauty)

Sister Taylor and I
 (She reminds me of Peri so much it's crazy!)

Sister Turro and Sister Ryan

Transfer 3 Week 2 (HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!)

It's actually been pretty exciting, everyone (most of us sisters) in the mission is wearing Red (bravery)  White (purity) and Blue (justice) and we had an awesome Relief Society on July 4th yesterday. I learnt a lot and it's so incredible because in 1 Nephi 13 it talks all about it! 
"And I looked and beheld a man among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; and I beheld theSpirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, whowere in the promised land." (1 Nephi 13:12) and it goes a long with the quote from Christopher Columbus which says "Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon tthe sea and gave me fire for the deed. Who heard of my enterprise, called it foolish, mocked me and laughed. But who can doubt that the Holy Ghost inspired me?"
It's so incredible to see how the Lord has his hand in everything, how life and history is one giant stitch work where everything comes together and intertwines perfectly at the right moment and right time, so that future generations can be blessed because 1 minute really does change eternity. As we studied 1 Nephi 13 I saw how everything that happened with the independence of the States, I am so grateful for. I know, I'm not American, but the fact is. Without it, the United States would have not become open to religious freedom and because of the Revolution and everything else in the Unites States, we are able to have the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This was the place prophesied of old to be the chosen land for the Restoration in these last days and there are events that had to lead up to that. So, though I proudly wear my Australian Flag under my Missionary Tag where I wear the Saviors name close to my heart everyday, I will gladly celebrate this beautiful day because now we have the gospel of Jesus Christ, which has not only changed my life but the lives of millions around the world, therefore, changing the world!
Today to celebrate we had a 4th of July lunch for the mission where we had J-dogs. I can't explain it, all I can say is that it was delicious, hahaha. I loved it, and to quote President Harman "It's all in the sauce!". I'm sorry, I know this isn't going to make any sense! haha. Just remember I love you all. 
This week I have truly experienced the gift of tongues. Though I don't speak any other language but English fluently, my companion does. French, Spanish and Italian to be exact. So that means a lot of language tours! And so we have been! Last Saturday we took 1 French and 2 Italian tours (I've never been kissed by so many European men and it's terrifying). In all of these tours I may not have been able to speak the language but I have been able to understand what is going on. As I stand there and listen to all that is being said praying in my heart to understand what's being talked about, as the Spirit was there I was able to understand at least what topic they were talking about! It's was incredible! And so exciting! It was at this moment that I understood partially what the Gift of Tongues was, because I was surprisingly experiencing it! One time I was so excited that I just shouted out "I understand what is going on!" and they all laughed, I was so excited! But what I found was incredible was in one tour (a tour of 46 loud Italians) everything was fine, a normal tour, (asking about vergin mary, the cross, etc etc.) I was able to understand what was going on bit by bit and then things started getting heated, I had no idea why! The spirit had left and all of a sudden I couldn't understand a single world! And at that time, I was so grateful I didn't understand Italian! Hahaha! It all worked out and the tour ended and we said "thankyou's" and "goodbyes" (ciao, ciao). But the Lord knows what we need and will bless us accordingly. He gives us the things we need to be able to fulfill our purpose, whatever that might be. 
This week I have seen 2 people from home! Danielle Bryers (sorry I spelt it wrong) and Rebecka Smith!!! It was so incredible. I was on exchanges (because I'm the companion of the District Leader) with Sister Hadzik and while planning we both felt we needed to go to the Assembly Hall and so when we went there we open the door and there is Danielle! Both of our jaws just dropped and we gave each other the most epic hug ever!!! We talked about miracles on Temple Square and such and I had to leave she had to leave but it was so incredible seeing her! Then the next day we were just about to go to the Teaching Center and we get a phone call, I don't like picking up our phone and so I gave it to Sister Turro and turns out, someone was here looking for me and so I said "Okay, we are there!" we went up stairs and I was looking and looking and all of a sudden I hear an Aussie accent and I looked and said "Rebecka?" and she turned around and again, the most epic hug in the world!!! We stood there and talked for ages about everything that was happening back home and about being in the States! I was able to talk as fast as I wanted because she would understand me! (Because here I have had to slow down and think about my words because people didn't understand my accent, to the point I get asked if I had to learn English before coming to the States, it's pretty hilarious.) It just made my day and I was just overcome with so much happiness! I can't even express to you how exciting it is when you see someone you know, especially because I'm on the other side of the world! 
This transfer I'm really going to be focusing on Humility and Patience... both I think of which I'll need, especially this transfer! It's been hard and there have been tough days, and some tears, but in the end, it's incredible because we are given these things and put where we will learn the most and to strengthen us and make us stronger and well, Heavenly Father must be making a tank out of me! haha. I know that he doesn't give us what we couldn't handle. The mission isn't easy and it's the most challenging thing, emotionally, physically, spiritually, everything, that I've ever done and I wouldn't change a single thing! I can't wait to see how much I have learnt and grown by the end of the transfer, yet alone the end of my mission. I have already learnt so much and it's the second week of this transfer. It's so crazy. I don't think you can express in words how quickly it goes and how much you learn from day to day. But I know the Lord is aware and that I can rely on him more than ever! And I do and I will, forever I will keep my hand in the hand of the Lords. I know that he loves me and that he has experienced everything I have been through, am going through and will go through. Not only for me but for my companions, my investigators, my leaders, everyone. 
This transfers scripture I think will be Colossians 3:12-14
"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness."
I know this is a bit of a weird email and to be honest, it matches my kind of a weird week, haha. But I love you all and just know that I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ restored gospel on the earth today and through the teachings of Jesus Christ we can obtain the greatest happiness in life! No matter what is going on, no matter how hard it is, you are never alone and the Lord is always by your side as long as you want him there. I;m so grateful to know that He knows me perfectly and knows what I need exactly, even more than I know for myself. Prayer, Faith, Humility, Patience and Charity are so important and I'm learning that more and more as the days go by. 
Keep smiling, Stay strong, The Atonement is real! I love you all! 
- Love Sister Ryan xxxx


My Planner (Tokyo Japan Temple)

July 4th Selfie!

Myself, Sister Baba and Sister Orndal

Myself, Sister Isaksen and
 Sister Lampinen

New companion Sister Turro